Environmental Inspection Service offers Mold Testing, Asbestos Testing, Radon Testing, Indoor Air Quality Testing, and Lead Paint Testing in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Palos Verdes and surrounding cities along with Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Freemont, Hayward, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Sunnyvale, and other Bay Area cities. Call us at (310) 396-6532 (Los Angeles office) or (510) 868-1184 (San Francisco/Bay Area office).

Environmental Testing Images

  • Beverly Hills Mold Testing On Cabinets

    Beverly Hills Environmental Testing Images

    Environmental Inspection Services posts educational images from mold testing, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, lead paint testing, and asbestos testing performed in Beverly Hills.

    There is 1 image in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/06/2012 - 02:38

  • Culver City Asbestos Testing Reveals Asbestos on Flue

    Culver City Environmental Testing Images

    Educational images of mold testing, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, lead paint testing, asbestos testing conducted in Culver City.

    There is 1 image in this gallery

    Last updated: Thu, 03/01/2012 - 18:29

  • Los Angeles mold testing on roof decking

    Los Angeles Environmental Testing Images

    Educational images from Los Angeles mold testing, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, lead paint testing, and asbestos testing are discussed by Environmental Inspection Services.

    There is 1 image in this gallery

    Last updated: Thu, 03/08/2012 - 02:02

  • Palos Verdes asbestos on HVAC

    Palos Verdes Environmental Testing Images

    Ever wonder what mold testing, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, lead paint testing, asbestos testing in Palos Verdes entails? Here are images for your education.

    There is 1 image in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/06/2012 - 19:33

  • Santa Monica Lead Testing and Abatement

    Santa Monica Environmental Testing Images

    Environmental Inspection Services discusses images from mold testing, radon testing, indoor air quality testing, lead paint testing, and asbestos testing performed in Santa Monica.

    There is 1 image in this gallery

    Last updated: Tue, 03/06/2012 - 18:25

Environmental Inspection Services provides Mold Testing, Asbestos Testing, Radon Testing, Indoor Air Quality Test, Lead Paint Testing in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Palos Verdes and surrounding cities. We offer both residential and commercial environmental inspections by highly trained inspectors who provide value and a cost effective service. Please call 310-396-6532 for a quote.